Sponsorship of one of our amazing groups of birds helps provide our rescues with basics such as feed, bedding, and emergency vet funds. Furthermore, having reliable funds for our current residents enables more animals in need to receive help by knowing that our current rescues are covered. To learn more about what’s included when sponsoring our animals or how to make this a gift, please see our FAQ at the bottom of this page. Thank you for your support!

Sponsor Our Birds

Rescue Situations

Pigeon racing is a dangerous sport that makes domestic birds race hundreds of miles with no survival skills. A large portion of the birds do not make it back home from races. Many need rescuing as a result especially given the large amounts of inuries they incur.

Sponsor Our Birds

Dove releases often release very young white homing pigeons. Many times as young as a few weeks old. These poor pigeons have oftentimes just started learning how to fly and have trouble eating without help from their parents.

Sponsor Our Birds

Fancy breeds are less commonly abandoned but it still happens frequently as people decide they no longer want their pets or when they do not meet show standards. As a result many need homes and these pigeons often have health issues due to poor breeding for fancy characteristics which makes it even harder for them to survive abandonment.

Sponsor Our Birds

King pigeons often escape live markets and are left on the streets where they cannot survive. Other times feral pigeons have issues that make them unreleasable.

Sponsor Our Birds

Our sanctuary also houses some chickens, ducks and quails who were either abandoned, neglected, or in need of homes. They get to spend the rest of their lives here in comfort through your support!

Sponsor Our Birds

When you sponsor an animal, you are supporting their long term care through monthly givings. This covers the cost of their food, housing, and bedding  as well as the average cost of vet bills . Becoming a sponsor to an animal means that our sanctuary has the security in mind that we can cover the current expenses of our residents and aids in our decision making for if we can take in a new intake by having financial security for our existing residents.  

The first month you sponsor an animal you receive through email:

* A certificate of sponsorship
* An adorable photo of your feathered friend

Through mail the first month:

*A cute card with your sponsored animal on it

For All Sponsorships:

Quarterly you will receive updates on your group of birds (March, June, September, and December). Please note that you will only receive these updates if you have an active sponsorship of the animal. 

When you sponsor the animal, please email us and include the name of the person you are gifting the sponsorship program to, their address, and any note you want to provide to them.

If you are looking for a one time gift, please use our one time gift program which can be found here: https://dreamingofachance.com/give-an-animal-sponsorship-gift/

Please Note:

* Your donation may be distributed to help multiple animals at the sanctuary.
* Animals may be sponsored by more than 1 person.
* This donation does not give you any rights to the animal being sponsored or enable you to make decisions about their care. Sponsoring is not adopting the animal.
* All parts of the sponsorship programs may take up to a week to receive